UNIX Installation Guide ======================= Introduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pre-Requisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GeoMOOSE requires a pretty full feature MapServer build. The following options are used by the development team on UN*X based systems to build MapServer:: --with-php=[path to php includes] --with-agg=[path to agg libs] --with-gd=[path to gd libs] --with-wfs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-postgis --with-proj=[path to proj] --with-geos=[path to geos-config]/geos-config --with-freetype=[path to freetype] --with-gdal=[path to gdal-config]/gdal-config --with-ogr MapServer's PHP/Mapscript must also be installed. Please see the MapServer website for additional details on how to install and compile MapServer. You will also find information about the MapServer mailing lists which are very helpful for trouble shooting and additional instructions. Current development efforts are against MapServer versions 5.2 and 5.4. **VERY IMPORTANT NOTE**: Some Linux distributions come pre-packaged with a version of MapServer. This version of MapServer can be extremely out-dated and can be missing critical functionality (AGG rendering for example). Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the Pre-req's have been met then the hard part is actually over. Extract the GeoMOOSE .tar.gz file to a conveinent directory:: tar -xzvf geomoose-[version].tar.gz Enter the directory and run configure:: cd geomoose-[version] ./configure There are a few important configuration options to keep in mind before moving on:: --prefix=DIR Installation directory (defaults to /opt/geomoose2) --with-temp-directory=DIR Temporary directory for script output (/tmp/www) --with-url-path=DIR URL Path, the root web directory for the application (/geomoose2/) --with-projection=SRS SRS string defining the map's projection (default EPSG:26915) --with-mapfile-root=PATH Path to the mapfiles root (default PREFIX/maps) --with-mapserver-url=URL URL to mapserver (default /cgi-bin/mapserv) --with-server-name=SERVERNAME Self referential name of the server (defaults to localhost) The most important of these is --prefix, --with-temp-directory, and --with-url-path as they define where GeoMOOSE will be installed, GeoMOOSE's critical temporary directory, and the URL from which GeoMOOSE will be served. The defaults have been tested to work but they are not appropriate for all installations. Next we need to actually install the files:: make install This will move all of the files to the appropriate directory and write an apache configuration file that matches your parameters above. The final step of the installation is to reference that apache file in your apache configuration. There are two ways of doing this: 1. Add an "Include" directive to httpd.conf:: Include "/opt/geomoose2/geomoose2_httpd.conf" 2. Add a symbolic link into a http.d directory. This varies greatly by system, this is just an example.:: ln -s /opt/geomoose2/geomoose2_httpd.conf /etc/apache/http.d/other/geomoose2_httpd.conf