.. _configuration: GeoMOOSE Configuration Options ============================== Introduction ------------- GeoMOOSE has a plethora of configuration options. All of them can be changed in the mapbook and it is possible to highly customize the interface without writing a single line of code. This document attempts to keep up with the various settings options in order to give the user more control over their GeoMOOSE installation. Organization is arbitrarily alphabetisized (mostly). How to Change a Setting ----------------------- Every Mapbook has a section. In the section there are multiple fields. The fields are how settings are changed from their defaults. For example, to add some HTML to the Links bar:: ... link to Google!]]> ... The Parameters ----------------- * ``links_bar_html`` HTML to be contained in the bar after the header and before the toolbar. * ``waiting_html`` Message to use when a user is waiting for something to load. * ``mapserver_url`` The URL to use for MapServer-type map sources. * ``control_panel_side`` Change which side on which the control panel resides. * ``mapfile_root`` The filesystem path on which all mapfiles reside. Used for Mapserver-type map sources. * ``mapbook`` The URL to the mapbook. Defaults to php/getmapbook.php. * ``fractional_zoom`` Toggles whether 'in between' zooms or strict steps should be supported. * ``scales`` List of scales to be used in the zoom-ladder. * ``max_extent`` The maximum bounding box of the map. * ``initial_extent`` The initial bounding box view of the map. * ``projection`` The projection to be used for the map. * ``ground_units`` Set the ground units of the map. Defaults to 'm'. * ``catalog_name`` Set the catalog's label. Defaults to 'Catalog' * ``group_checkboxes`` Allow entire groups to be toggled on or off with a global checkbox. Defaults to true. * ``flashy_bits`` Toggles Animations on or off. Defaults to true * ``zoomto`` Object representing the zoom to drop downs. * ``jumpto_scales`` Object containing the label:scale values for the scale jumper. * ``startup_service`` Service to call at startup. Defaults to false * ``layer_control_order`` Changes the display order of the layer controls. Stored as an array. * ``layer_controls`` object containing objects describing the layer controls. * ``layer_options.transitionEffect`` OpenLayers defined transition effect for all layers. Defaults to null. * ``layer_options.buffer`` OpenLayers vector layer buffer radius. Defaults to 0. * ``layer_options.ratio`` OpenLayers "ratio" for vector layers. Defaults to 1. * ``catalog.toggle_controls`` Turn on or off the ability to hide the layer controls in the catalog. Defaults to true. * ``catalog.show_controls`` Turn on or off the controls in the catalog. Defaults to true. * ``reference_map`` Not yet implemented. * ``cursor`` Object of CSS cursor definitions * ``cursor.pan`` CSS for pan tool. * ``cursor.zoomout`` CSS for zoomout tool. * ``cursor.zoomin`` CSS for zoomin tool. * ``cursor.measure`` CSS for measure tool. * ``cursor.measurearea`` CSS for measurearea tool. * ``scale_line.enabled`` Toggle whether the scale line should be displayed on the map. Defaults to false. * ``scale_line.top_units`` What units to display on the top of the scale line. * ``scale_line.bottom_units`` What units to display on the bottom of the scale line. * ``scale_line.width`` The width, in pixels, of the scale line. * ``measure_tool`` options for the measure tools. * ``measure_tool.precision`` Number of digits to display in the readings. * ``measure_tool.style`` OpenLayers style object. * ``measure_tool.line_units`` Default units to use for Line measurements. * ``measure_tool.area_units`` Default units to use for Area measurements. * ``default_tool`` Tool to default to when GeoMOOSE.activateDefaultTool is called. * ``popups`` options for controlling the behavior of popups. * ``popups.left_offset`` This is used in conjunction with popup CSS styling to properly position the mouse after a popup has been dragged. * ``popups.clearOnMove`` Toggle whether popups should clear themselves when the user moves from the focus. * ``services`` Options for controlling the behaviour of services. * ``services.disable_hidden_tabs`` Toggle whether to disable tables when they have been hidden. Defaults to false. * ``services.disable_others`` Toggle whether tools and other tabs should be disabled when starting a service. * ``services.cancel_label`` The label for the cancel button in the service tab. * ``services.tools`` default tools for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.pan`` Show the pan tool for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.edit-polygon`` Show the edit polygon tool for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.point`` Show the edit draw point for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.line`` Show the edit draw line for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.polgon`` Show the edit draw polgon for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.box`` Show the edit draw box for spatial steps. * ``services.tools.select_feature`` Select a shape from a vector layer. * ``messages`` Object of error messages. * ``messages.requirement_failure`` Shown when the user does not fill in a required feild. * ``messages.invalid_tool`` Shown when a user tries to start a tool which is not properly configured. * ``messages.service_config_error`` Shown when an admin does not properly configure the tools for a service. * ``messages.mapbook_invalid`` Shown when the server does not return a valid mapbook contents. * ``message.mapbook_version`` Shown when a user tries to load a 1.X version of the mapbook. * ``mapbook_param_error`` Shown when the mapbook contains an invalid tag. * ``messages.service_return_error`` Shown when a service failes to return valid XML. Autogenerated ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Generated from: docs/doc_config_js.py