How to Run Trunk


To stay up to date as GeoMOOSE development happens, you may want to track trunk. To run the most current GeoMOOSE code you will need to svn checkout or svn export If reading yesterday’s newspaper will suffice, you may want to consider running the nightly builds since it is slightly less effort, see also download. Everytime you download and run that, you will have yesterday’s status.

How to

Windows (MS4W)

  1. Have MS4W (MS4W version 3.0.4+ for GeoMoose 2.6) properly installed on your computer, see also install MS4W,
  2. Create /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/ if you don’t already have it (if you already have it, back it up or delete it)
  3. Explore to /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/ and svn checkout Also consider svn export. (Note: you will need an svn client to do that, TortoiseSVN works well on Windows. Access it by right clicking in a window.)
  4. Rename /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/conf/ms4w_local_settings.ini to local_settings.ini
  5. If you don’t already have /ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_geomoose2_ms4w.conf, copy it from /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/ms4w/httpd.d/
  6. If you don’t already have /ms4w/Apache/htdocs/geomoose2.pkg.html, copy it from /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/
  7. Restart apache (/ms4w/apache-restart.bat)
  8. Point browser to http://localhost/geomoose2/geomoose.html
  9. To stay current with trunk: if you did svn checkout, then svn update in /ms4w/apps/geomoose2/ (if you did svn export do it again.)