The development team for GeoMOOSE put together for a roadmap for the next few foreseeable versions of GeoMOOSE. This list is subject to change depending upon available funding and interest of contributors. Here’s what has been targeted for each version:
This will primarily consist of bug fixes identified from the beta release. Features in this release include; performance enhancements, new configuration files, integration with OpenLayers library, zoom navigation tools, measure tools, layer controls (tip, max/min scale, opacity and legends), identify service, itemquery service, buffer service, select service, mailing labels service, print service, popup service, feature report service, ability to define your own tabs and projects and feature editor service using PostGIS. A unified demo combining the old state and county demos. Update website and implement trac for bug reporting and feature requests
New print service based on Cario library (need to wait for MapServer 6.0 release)
Possible integration with Ruby on Rails framework (need to discuss this further)