Follow RFC 3: GeoMOOSE Release Process and this file
Official releases differ from Betas. Beta testers are advised to download nightly builds and test against them. Release versions lead to an update in documentation and standard tarballs. This is to help future administrators repeatably create releases.
Double check that geomoose.html and geomoose_dev.html match the current version. (Title and footer).
Double check that the latest build file matches the current revisions number.
cd htdocs/libs/dojo*/util/buildscripts
Create a commit point for the code.
# cd to the trunk directory.
svn commit -m 'Updated build to ensure completeness before 2.X.Y release.'
If this is a new major release create a branch and a tag. (e.g. 2.6, 2.8)
cd geomoose2/
svn cp trunk branches/geomoose-2.6
svn cp trunk tags/geomoose-2.6.0
If this is a major or minor relase, create a tag.
svn cp branches/geomoose-2.6 tags/geomoose-2.6.1
Commit the tags or branches with the version numbers.
svn commit -m 'Created branch/tags for the 2.X.Y release'
Login to the webserver and ...
# get the latest changes from svn
cd /srv/svn
svn up
# tag a version
cd /srv/geomoose
# update the nightly builds to the latest revision, from which we'll make a
# version. This doesn't work for branched versions.
# now take the nightly and call it a version number
./ 2.6.0
# Now let's build the docs.
cd /srv/svn/geomoose2/tags/geomoose-2.6.0/sphinx-docs
make html
# And now for the API.
cd /srv/svn/geomoose2/tags/geomoose-2.6.0/
mkdir apidocs
/srv/geomoose/naturaldocs/naturaldocs -i htdocs/geomoose -o html ./apidocs -p ./ntdocs
Phew, that was fun. Next we need to add a line to /srv/geomoose/httpd.confd/geomoose_2.6.0.conf
Alias /2.6.0/api /srv/svn/geomoose2/tags/geomoose-2.6.0/apidocs/
Alias /2.6.0 /srv/svn/geomoose2/tags/geomoose-2.6.0/sphinx-docs/build/html/
<Location /2.6.0/>
Allow from all
Order allow,deny
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Now we’ll point “Current” at the branch so that we can update docs without making an absolute release.
rm /srv/geomoose/current
ln -s /srv/svn/geomoose2/branches/geomoose-2.6 /srv/geomoose/current
And restart the web server. The release should now be happening.