As of GeoMOOSE 2.6, the tabs system uses the Dojo conventions.
To add a custom tab follow and extend the example in extensions/CustomTab.js:
* GeoMOOSE Custom Tab Example.
* This creates a customized tab for the user interface
* and then adds it to the control panel.
* TODO: This works, but we should really refactor it to use the
* standard extension framework.
dojo.declare('MyTab', [GeoMOOSE.Tab], {
title: 'My Custom Tab',
startup: function() {
this.set('content', "This is an example of a <b>custom tab.</b>");
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
GeoMOOSE.addTab('my_custom_tab', new MyTab());
Sometimes it is not convenient to use JavaScript to populate a lot of text into a tab. We have an easy way to do this:
dojo.declare('MyTab', [GeoMOOSE.Tab], {
title: 'My Custom Tab',
startup: function() {
this.set('href', 'custom_data.html');
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
GeoMOOSE.addTab('my_custom_tab', new MyTab());
Instead of setting the HTML directly, it can be loaded from an external URL. The first method (DHTML) should be used when adding additional Dojo/Dijit objects to the tab, using the HTML will not work as the Dojo-tagged-elements will not be properly parsed.