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How To Add Text to a ToolΒΆ

Some tools should have text. While an Icon is nice, sometimes you may only have a single icon that is used repetetively for a number of searches. As is often the case, it’s simply easier to read, “Search Assets” instead of filing through the four or five relatively obscure looking 16 x 16 pixel icons. Tools on the toolbar are defined in the <toolbar> section of the mapbook.

Simply add show-label=”true” to the tool in the mapbook.xml to show text. To not display text remove the show-label=”true” as the default is to not display text.

To Show Text For ZoomIn:

<tool name="zoomin" title="Zoom In" type="internal" action="zoomin" show-label="true"/>

To Not Show Text For ZoomIn:

<tool name="zoomin" title="Zoom In" type="internal" action="zoomin"/>