.. _details: art ============================ The art directory is used to store standard GeoMoose icons and logos. Tpyically not used by user. desktop_icons ------------------------------------------- Original GeoMoose icons. logo_2011 ------------------------------------------- New logos from 2011 in a variety of formats. attic ============================ Like all attics, this hold old stuff that isn't used very often. Tpyically not used by user. conf ============================ The conf directory contains various configuration controls and templates for GeoMoose. Frequently used by user. * Files: * mapbook.xml - The map control XML file. * local_settings.ini - Several ini file exist for control file paths for unix, ms4w,svn. * settings.ini - Initial file for control. editor ------------------------------------------- Diretory containing editor support files. feature-report ------------------------------------------- Directory containing feature report templates. print ------------------------------------------- Directory containing printing templates. Rarely used by user. htdocs ============================ * Files: * geomoose.html - starting HTML for GeoMoose. build ------------------------------------------- The compiled java script for GeoMOOSE. css ------------------------------------------- css files for GeoMoose. cursors ------------------------------------------- Standard cursors used by GeoMoose. extensions ------------------------------------------- Javascript extension location. geomoose ------------------------------------------- The GeoMoose javascript library. images ------------------------------------------- Library of standard images used by GeoMoose. lib ------------------------------------------- Basic libraries used by GeoMoose (dojo, openlayers). php ------------------------------------------- Php services library. projections ------------------------------------------- Projection files used by GeoMoose. skins ------------------------------------------- Standard skins (colors etc) used by GeoMoose. maps ============================ Directory of data, mapserver control files, symbol library and display html templates for layers. Frequently used by user. * Files: * geomoose_globals.map - global map files for mapserver layers * temp_directory.map - locates temporary directories for Mapserver Mapfile demo ------------------------------------------- Directory containing data map files and templates for demo. development ------------------------------------------- Directory used in assisting team with development. Typically not accessed by user. fonts ------------------------------------------- Font library for GeoMoose mapserver maps. Rarely used by user. symbols ------------------------------------------- Symbol.sym file used for mapserver feature layers and graphic images for road symbols. Rarely used by user. sphinx-docs ============================ This documenation and tools to make it (sphinx). Tpyically not used by user. tools ============================ Python scripts (tools) used to build the GeoMOOSE packaging. Tpyically not used by user.