Using Vector Layers =================== Configuring Vector Layers For Users ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration of vector layer is covered elsewhere. This is about how to use them. 1. Turn on the Layer of Interest -------------------------------- In the catalog, click on the check box to turn on the layer to be viewed or edited. If this is a layer fed by a server, such as WFS, there may be a small delay while the feature definitions are downloaded and rendered. 2. Activating the Layer ----------------------- For vector layers to be used, they need to be "activated" by the user. By default GeoMOOSE uses a small green circular button with a white check-mark embedded within it. Click on this button. If using the default styling the background of this layer will be highlighted with a gold gradient. 3. Using the Layer Tools ------------------------ Once a layer is activated, then the Layer Tools can be used to manipulate that layer. Layers may or may not support specific tool. If a tool is not supported by a layer, when selected, it will throw an error with an appropriate alter message. 4. Saving Changes ----------------- If a layer supports saving changes made to it then use the "Save Changes" menu under the "Layer Tools" menu to save those changes.