.. _basemap_toggle_plugin: Basemaps Toggle Plugin ====================== Provides a basemap layers toggle as seen on many popular web-mapping sites. Example in the application -------------------------- Closed: .. figure:: ./basemap-toggle-closed.png :alt: Showing the toggle closed Showing the toggle closed Open: .. figure:: ./basemap-toggle-open.png :alt: Showing the toggle open Showing the toggle open Installing ---------- 1. Copy ``basemap-toggle.js`` from ``examples/plugin/src`` to the same directory as ``app.js``. 2. Before ```` add the line: :: 3. Add a target ``div`` for the plugin: Change: ::
To: ::
4. The following can be added to the Demo's ``app.js`` to demonstrate how the basemap toggle is configured. An actual application will have different layer names, paths, and preview images. Add the following before ``tracker.startTracking();``: :: app.experimental.addConnectedPlugin(BasemapToggle, 'layer-toggle', { layers: [ { label: 'None', src: '', path: 'none/none', }, { label: 'Aerials', src: 'https://demo.geomoose.org/cgi-bin/mapserv7?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&LAYERS=mncomp&MAP=%2Fsrv%2Fdemo%2Fsrc%2F3.0%2Fgm3-demo-data%2F.%2Fdemo%2Fwms%2Fwms_proxy.map&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&STYLES=&WIDTH=40&HEIGHT=40&BBOX=-10389135.541557081%2C5535452.120985681%2C-10351566.742154919%2C5566447.33595532', path: 'lmic/mncomp' }, { label: 'Streets', src: 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/12/989/1480.png', path: 'openstreetmap/osm_mapnik' } ] });