How-to configure to select from list ==================================== This how-to provides instructions to configure the select tool to select from a list of layers. By default users can select from any layer that has been configured to be selectable in the ``mapbook.xml`` configuration. However, it may be useful to configure the select tool so that users can select from groups related layers, or even create separate select tools that can only select a single layer. Add your layers to select ------------------------- This how-to references both the source and layer for the fire stations and parcels datasets. For more information on setting those up in your local demo, read the:doc:`./add-a-layer` guide. Add your select tool -------------------- Now you need to add your new select service to your ``app.js`` configuration file. Add this code: .. code:: javascript // specify service with list of available selections: app.registerService('select-list', SelectService, { // Uncomment title parameter if you wish to change the service title // title: 'Select Taxlots', fields: [{ type: 'select', // specify default layer default: 'vector-parcels/parcels', // specify and label list of layers options: [ {value: 'vector-parcels/parcels', label: 'Parcels'}, {value: 'firestations-wfs/fire_stations', label: 'Fire Stations'}, ], }] }); Modify the 'map-source/layer' parameters and labels for your specific datasets. You can add more layers by adding additional values and labels, or you can remove layers if you wish to create a tool for selecting a specific dataset. Add your tool to the toolbar ---------------------------- Finally, add your new tool to the toolbar section in your ``mapbook.xml`` configuration file: .. code:: xml