How-to configure the Coordinate Display ======================================= The CoordinateDisplay component shows the mouse position in various projections as it moves across the map. This handy little function can help users orient themselves to locations and assist in locating features on the map. Many GeoMoose applications utilize the "Web Mercator" projection. This is the projection made popular by Google Maps. However, users are generally more comfortable in a local projection or even in WGS84 decimal degree coordinates. The CoordinateDisplay can be configured using any of these projections. Adding a custom projection -------------------------- EPSG:4326 (WGS84, Decimal Degrees) and EPSG:3857/EPSG:900913 are 'built in' to GeoMoose. But since GeoMoose uses Proj4JS, it can be be configured with additional projections using the proj definition. To add UTM-15N, the following is used in the demo: .. code:: javascript app.addProjection({ ref: 'EPSG:26915', def: '+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs' }); - ``ref`` refers to the reference of the projection. In this case, UTM-15N which is EPSG:26915. Note: EPSG references a catalog of projection definitions maintained by []. This catalog is significant because of its use in the OGC WMS and WFS specifications as a preferred way to communicate projection information. Internally, GeoMoose just uses ref and an identifier and so could be anything unique, but when talking to external servers ``ref`` matching what the server expects might matter. - ``def`` is the `proj4 `__ definition string. Any projection can be added in this way and ` `__ can assist in finding the proj definition string for many different projections. Built-in custom projections --------------------------- GeoMoose also honors two custom internal projections: - ``xy`` - This is actually the unprojected coordinate from the map. The results of ``xy`` will be whatever the map projection happens to be. - ``usng`` - Defines the coordinates place in the US National Grid. For more information on USNG, please visit `The US National Grid Information Center `__. Specifying the projections -------------------------- When adding the CoordinateDisplay component to the application, it will accept an array of objects which have a ``ref`` and a ``label`` member. The ``label`` member will be the text prefixed before the coordinates. The ``ref`` defines which output projection should be used whether a custom projection like ``EPSG:26915`` or a built-in such as ``xy`` or ``usng``. Example ------- Below is an example of configuring the coordinate display to use a US Albers projection and display the national grid coordinate: .. code:: javascript app.addProjection({ ref: 'ESRI:102003', def: '+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=37.5 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs' }); app.add(gm3.components.CoordinateDisplay, 'coordinate-display', { projections: [ { label: 'Albers:', ref: 'ESRI:102003' }, { label: 'USNG:', ref: 'usng' } ] });