How-to create a custom print layout =================================== GeoMoose uses jsPDF to perform client-side generation of PDF printouts. It has four built-in templates but they are relatively plain and may not be for everyone. What is in a print layout ------------------------- A print layout is comprised of a label, orientation, page size, unit specification, and a list of page elements. These are defined as a JavaScript object which can be passed to the PrintModal component. The default configuration ------------------------- In the desktop example application, the PrintModal uses its built-in layouts defined in ``examples/desktop/app.js``: .. code:: javascript var print_preview = app.add(gm3.components.PrintModal, 'print-preview', {}); Adding a custom layout ---------------------- To override the default layouts the layouts need to be configured for the PrintModal: .. raw:: html :: var custom_layouts = [ { label: 'letter-landscape-legend', orientation: 'landscape', page: 'letter', units: 'in', elements: [ { type: 'text', size: 18, fontStyle: 'bold', x: .5, y: .70, text: '{{title}}' }, { type: 'map', x: .5, y: .75, width: 7, height: 7 }, { type: 'rect', x: .5, y: .75, width: 7, height: 7, strokeWidth: .01 }, { type: 'text', x: .5, y: 8, text: 'Printed on {{month}} / {{day}} / {{year}}' }, { type: 'text', x: 7.6, y: .9, text: 'Legend', }, { type: 'legend', x: 7.61, y: 1.0 }, { type: 'rect', x: 7.6, y: .75, width: 2.4, height: 7, strokeWidth: .01, } ] }, { label: 'landscape-letter', orientation: 'landscape', page: 'letter', units: 'in', elements: [ { type: 'text', size: 18, fontStyle: 'bold', x: .5, y: .70, text: '{{title}}' }, { type: 'map', x: .5, y: .75, width: 10, height: 7 }, { type: 'rect', x: .5, y: .75, width: 10, height: 7, strokeWidth: .01 }, { type: 'text', x: .5, y: 8, text: 'Printed on {{month}} / {{day}} / {{year}}' } ] }]; var print_preview = app.add(gm3.components.PrintModal, 'print-preview', { layouts: custom_layouts }); ``custom_layouts`` contains: * ``label`` - The label present in the language json file (e.g. ``en.json``) that is converted to what is presented to the user in the Print Preview dialog. * ``orientation`` - Page orientation. One of ``'landscape'`` or ``'portrait``'. * ``page`` - The page size (as supported by []). e.g. ``'letter'``, ``'a4'``, ... * ``units`` - The units used to specify the position of elements (e.g. for ``x``, ``y``, ``width``, ``height``, ``strokeWidth``,...). Can any units supported by jsDoc including: ``'in'``, ``'mm'``, ``'pt'``. * ``elements`` - An array of elements, described below. The following elements are available: - ``text`` - Puts text on the map. - ``text`` - The content to put on the map. Supports :doc:`GeoMoose Templates <../templates>` including a special ``{{title}}`` mustache which is the user's inputed title. - ``size`` - The font size in points. - ``fontStyle`` - ``normal``, ``italic`` or ``bold`` - ``font`` - Defaults to Arial but could be any common font available to the browser. - ``color`` - Array of 0-255 of ``[r, g, b]``. - ``map`` - Put the map on the PDF. - ``x`` - The left-most side of the map. - ``y`` - The top most side of the map. - ``width`` - The width of the map. - ``height`` - The height of the map. - ``rect``, ``ellipse`` - Either shape can be drawn on the PDF. - ``x``, ``y`` - Define the upper left corner of the shape. - ``fill`` - Array of 0-255 of ``[red, green, blue]``. Filled color of the shape. - ``stroke`` - Array of 0-255 of ``[red, green, blue]``. Outline color of the shape. - ``width``, ``height`` - ``rect``-only the width and height of the rectangle. - ``rx``, ``ry`` - ``ellipse``-only, specifies the x and y radii of the ellipse. - ``image`` - Add an image to the map. - ``image_data`` - The bytes defining the image. - ``x``, ``y`` - Define the upper left corner of the image. - ``width``, ``height`` - The width and height of the image in the map (optional).