EC2 Quickstart ============== Create an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in EC2 --------------------------------------- 1. Click 'EC2' from the list of services. 2. Click 'Launch Instance' 3. Select Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 4. For purposes of this tutorial, a 't2.micro' instance is fine but if you plan to serve other users from this instance start with a 't2.large' instance. 5. Click 'Review and Launch' 6. Configure a new security group with access to SSH and HTTP. 7. Choose or create an appropriate key-pair. Wait until the instance launches. Click on the instance in the table and note the IP address. The IP address and then connect using ssh. Use ssh to connect to the instance :: ssh -i [path to your key] ubuntu@[ip address] Once you're in... ----------------- Add the UbuntuGIS PPA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These commands will add the Ubuntu open-source GIS personal-package archive. This provides known working version of common open-source applications include GDAL and MapServer. .. code:: bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa sudo apt-get update GeoMoose Runtime Deps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GeoMoose demos assume MapServer is installed on the server. The next step will install Apache, MapServer, and the GDAL command line tools. :: sudo apt-get install -y \ apache2 \ mapserver-bin cgi-mapserver gdal-bin GeoMoose Install Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoMoose can be installed either via Git or through its ZIP packages. This will install both the ``unzip`` and ``git`` command line tools. :: sudo apt-get install -y \ git-core \ unzip Install GeoMoose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the purposes of this tutorial GeoMoose's examples and demonstration data will be installed into ``/srv/geomoose``. :: sudo mkdir /srv/geomoose sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /srv/geomoose cd /srv/geomoose Download and unzip the GeoMoose examples and demo data. The examples zip file also includes the GeoMoose library. :: wget wget unzip unzip Make things available in the apache document root ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: sudo ln -s /srv/geomoose/gm3-examples/htdocs /var/www/html/geomoose sudo a2enmod cgi sudo apachectl restart Setup the config.js ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a new ``config.js`` file in ``/srv/geomoose/gm3-examples/htdocs/desktop``. Put the followings into ``config.js``: :: CONFIG = { mapserver_url: "/cgi-bin/mapserv", mapfile_root: "/srv/geomoose/gm3-demo-data/" }; GeoMoose should be up and running! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open your web-browser to ``http://[the ip address you found before]/geomoose/desktop/``.