The class defining a GeoMOOSE application.
GeoMOOSE. | The class defining a GeoMOOSE application. |
Functions | |
getMapbook | Loads the mapbook from the CONFIG.mapbook, or an alternative from the url parameter. |
onGotMapbook | Called when the mapbook is loaded and ready for parsing. |
gotMapbook | Called immediate after the mapbook is loaded from the server. |
onMapbookLoadError | Called when the Mapbook fails to load. |
parseConfiguration | Parses the configuration into the global CONFIGURATION hash |
configureMap | Sets up the main OpenLayers.Map object with the GeoMOOSE configuration, and creates the “navigation” layer. |
configureMapTools | Configures the internal tools relating to the map. |
configureMapSource | Parses a map-source XML fragment and creates necessary GM and OL classes |
configureMapSources | Creates real classes for all of the MapSources. |
getMapSource | Takes a full path and return a MapSource |
onLayersChange | |
getVisibleLayers | Iterates through the mapSources and returns a list of the visible paths. |
getStatusDifferences | Iterates through all the Map Source’s and Layers and returns which ones have changed through use of the application. |
configureServiceManager | Configures the service manager, which provides the core functionality for talking with servers. |
activateMapSource | Triggers on onActivateMapSource Event. |
onActivateMapSource | Triggered when a layer is “activated.” |
addPopup | Place a popup on the map. |
getStatusDifferences: function()
Iterates through all the Map Source’s and Layers and returns which ones have changed through use of the application.
An object containing “off” and “on” members, which are lists containing the list of layers which have been turned on and off.
Loads the mapbook from the CONFIG.mapbook, or an alternative from the url parameter.
getMapbook: function ( url )
Called when the mapbook is loaded and ready for parsing.
onGotMapbook: function( response )
Called immediate after the mapbook is loaded from the server.
gotMapbook: function( response )
Called when the Mapbook fails to load.
onMapbookLoadError: function( response )
Sets up the main OpenLayers.Map object with the GeoMOOSE configuration, and creates the “navigation” layer.
configureMap: function ()
Configures the internal tools relating to the map.
configureMapTools: function()
Parses a map-source XML fragment and creates necessary GM and OL classes
configureMapSource: function( map_source_xml, override_list )
Creates real classes for all of the MapSources.
configureMapSources: function( response )
Takes a full path and return a MapSource
getMapSource: function( name )
onLayersChange: function( path, visibility )
Iterates through the mapSources and returns a list of the visible paths.
getVisibleLayers: function()
Iterates through all the Map Source’s and Layers and returns which ones have changed through use of the application.
getStatusDifferences: function()
Configures the service manager, which provides the core functionality for talking with servers.
configureServiceManager: function ()
Triggers on onActivateMapSource Event.
activateMapSource: function( path )
Triggered when a layer is “activated.”
onActivateMapSource: function( path )
Place a popup on the map.
addPopup: function( popup )