Used to bind to the step-changing buttons.
_changeStep: function()
Creates a “blank” WMS layer stub to preserve the behavior of a layer when a library is missing.
_createBlankLayer: function( name )
Internal method to create the OpenLayers Layer object.
_createOLLayer: function( options )
Internal method to create the OpenLayers Layer object.
_createOLLayer: function( options )
Internal method to create the OpenLayers Layer object.
_createOLLayer: function( options )
Internal method to create the OpenLayers Layer object.
_createOLLayer: function( options )
Internal method to create the OpenLayers Layer object.
_createOLLayer: function( options )
Returns an array of current layers.
_getLayersList: function()
Stores the text template for updating the legend chip in a color picker.
_labelHTML: '<span class="dijitInline" style="border: solid 1px black; width: 18px; height: 1em; background-color: ${color}"></span>'
The OpenLayers Object Managed by the GeoMOOSE layer
_ol_layer: null
Parses the layer/s from a Mapbook Entry
_parseLayers: function( mapbook_entry )
Parse the Mapbook parameters for a map-source
_parseParams: function( mapbook_entry )
Takes in the value from the onChange of the Palette, sets the local value and updates the display.
_setValue: function( value )
Uses the value from the select and the textbox to convert the users input to meters.
_setValue: function( value )
Internal method for setting up the value.
_setValue: function( value )
This is a bit of a “pull the ‘chute” call.
activateDefaultTool: function()
Activates a layer tool
activateLayerTool: function( action, kwargs )
Set the active map source.
activateMapSource: function( name )
Triggers on onActivateMapSource Event.
activateMapSource: function( path )
Add a popup to the map.
addPopup : function( x, y, w, h, html, title )
Place a popup on the map.
addPopup: function( popup )
Add a popup to the map.
addPopupGround : function( easting, northing, html, title )
Add a new GeoMOOSE.Tab instance to the tab bar.
addTab: function( tab_name, tab )
Adds the MapSource to the map.
addToMap: function( map )
When this is added, refresh the layers.
addToMap: function( map )
Converts parameter to an array.
asArray: function( layer_list )
Return a representation of the MapSource as a GeoMOOSE.Layer class.
asLayer: function()
Change the URL to be something bookmarkable.
bookmark: function()
Change the base URL for a given layer.
changeLayerUrl : function( layerName, url )
Turn a layer on or off.
changeLayerVisibility : function( layerPaths, visibility )
Change to a step in the sequnce of steps for this service.
changeStep: function( step )
Change to a tab given by tabName
changeTab : function( tabName )
Checks to see if this is a matching path for this layer.
checkPath: function( path )
Clears all the user set parameters from a MapSource.
clearLayerParameters: function( layerName )
Remove all popups from the map.
clearPopups : function()
Toggle whether to clear popups when the user moves the mouse.
clearPopupsOnMove: false
Close a tab by the name.
closeTab: function( tab_name )
Set to “true” when we have added clustering to the style.
clusteringEnabled: false
Convert a number into a string that is comma delimited.
function commifyNumber( number )
Sets up the main OpenLayers.Map object with the GeoMOOSE configuration, and creates the “navigation” layer.
configureMap: function ()
Parses a map-source XML fragment and adds it to the map.
configureMapSource: function( map_source_xml )
Parses a map-source XML fragment and creates necessary GM and OL classes
configureMapSource: function( map_source_xml, override_list )
Creates real classes for all of the MapSources.
configureMapSources: function( response )
Configures the internal tools relating to the map.
configureMapTools: function()
Configures the service manager, which provides the core functionality for talking with servers.
configureServiceManager: function ()
Do the layout.
constructor: function()
Creates a new instance of a GeoMOOSE MapSource.
constructor: function( mapbook_entry )
Creates a new Google MapSource
constructor: function( mapbook_entry )
Creates a new TMS MapSource
constructor: function( mapbook_entry )
Creates a new Vector Layer
editable: true, constructor: function( mapbook_entry )
Creates a new WMS MapSource
constructor: function( mapbook_entry )
A hash of OL controls supported by the layer.
controls: {}
Convert a number from one denomination to another.
convertLength: function( length, src_units, dest_units )
CSS Friendly identifier for the MapSource.
cssName: ""
Deactivates any of the layer controls.
deactivate: function()
Turn off all current tools, including layer tools.
deactivateTools: function()
Disables all the tools but remembers which one was active.
disableTools: function()
Toggles whether the map source should be displayed in any of the layer-by-layer catalogs.
displayInLayerSwitcher: true
Overrriden from the base class to not display by default.
displayInLayerSwitcher: false
Offers a download dialog for the php/download.php script.
download: function( id, extension )
Gets the job done of creating the scale jumper.
draw: function()
Display an error to the user.
error: function()
Fade out the opacity by CONFIGURATION.layer_controls.fade.change_percent.
fadeLayer: function( path )