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 getActiveMapSource, GeoMOOSE
 getBookmarkUrl, GeoMOOSE
 getExtent, GeoMOOSE
 getLayerByName, GeoMOOSE.MapSource
 getLayerOpacity, GeoMOOSE
 getLayerParameters, GeoMOOSE
 getLayerParams, GeoMOOSE.MapSource.WMS
 getLayerUrl, GeoMOOSE
 getLegendUrls, GeoMOOSE
 getMapbook, GeoMOOSE.Application
 getMapSource, GeoMOOSE.Application
 getMapSourceType, GeoMOOSE
 getScale, GeoMOOSE
 getTab, GeoMOOSE
 getTitle, GeoMOOSE.ServiceInputTypes
 getUrlParameters, GeoMOOSE
 gotMapbook, GeoMOOSE.Application
 id, GeoMOOSE
 inScale, GeoMOOSE
 isDefined, GeoMOOSE
 isEditable, GeoMOOSE
 isPrintable, GeoMOOSE.MapSource
 isVisible, GeoMOOSE.MapSource
 mapbookType, GeoMOOSE.MapSource
 metadata, GeoMOOSE.MapSource
 moveLayerDown, GeoMOOSE
 moveLayerUp, GeoMOOSE
 onActivateMapSource, GeoMOOSE.Application
 onGotMapbook, GeoMOOSE.Application
 onMapbookLoadError, GeoMOOSE.Application
Parent namespace for all GeoMOOSE classes.
The class defining a GeoMOOSE application.
A new class for deleting features from a layer.
Extends the OpenLayers.Control.Measure class to provide additional segment tracking.
Allows vector feature attributes to be edited in a nice pretty dialog.
Display an Download Dialog.
Display an Error Dialog.
Class to represent layers with more detail in GeoMOOSE
Only GeoMOOSE.Layout.Default exists now, this class is needed to avoid GeoMOOSE.Layout is undefined error on
The standard application Layout.
GeoMOOSE base layer.
Provides a AGS MapSource to GeoMOOSE.
Provides a Google MapSource to GeoMOOSE.
This converts a traditional MapServer request into a WMS Object.
Provides a TMS MapSource to GeoMOOSE.
Basic class for sketch and WFS-T Layers.
Supports rendering a GeoJSON url.
Supports a WFS Editable Layer.
Provides a WMS MapSource to GeoMOOSE.
Provides a XYZ MapSource to GeoMOOSE.
GeoMOOSE Popup Representation
Container for the litany of service inputs.
Provides both a freeform hex input and a color picker.
Uses a combination of a textbox and a drop down in order to provide multiple unit compatibility for entering length information.
Sends the current projection definition for the map to the service.
Provide a text label for describing behaviour to the user.
The GeoMOOSE Tab Class is pretty basic and can serve as a “blank” type of container.
The new, more classy, GeoMOOSE catalog.
Handles rendering services in the tab pane.
Defines a selectable tool
Defines the MeasureArea Tool.
Renders a tool as a menu item.
Provide the XY, Lat Long, and USNG display.
Populates the “links_bar” with HTML.
Create a handy toolbar.
Creates the zoom-to drop down boxes in the control panel.
Creates a tool that cannot be selcted.
Renders a tool as a menu item that cannot be selected.
getActiveMapSource: function()
Gets the active map source.
getBookmarkUrl: function()
Get an URL for bookmarking.
getExtent: function()
Get the map’s extent as an array.
getLayerByName: function(name)
Returns a layer by name.
getLayerOpacity : function(layerName)
Get the client-side Opacity parameter setting.
getLayerParameters : function(layerName)
Get the params for a given layer.
getLayerParams: function(all_params)
getLayerUrl : function(layerName)
Get the base URL for a given layer.
getLegendUrls: function(layer_paths)
Returns an array of legend URLs for a given set of paths.
getMapbook: function (url)
Loads the mapbook from the CONFIG.mapbook, or an alternative from the url parameter.
getMapSource: function(name)
Takes a full path and return a MapSource
getMapSourceType: function(map_source_type)
Get the class for a given layer type Parameters: map_source_type - The map-source type from the Mapbook.
getScale: function()
Return the map’s current scale.
getStatusDifferences: function()
Iterates through all the Map Source’s and Layers and returns which ones have changed through use of the application.
getStatusDifferences: function()
Returns a two element object with lists for “on” and “off”, representing layers that are currently different than their definition in the mapbook.
getTab: function(tab_name)
Recall a tab that has been added with addTab.
getTitle: function()
Returns the title/label of this input.
getUrlParameters: function()
Parses URL parameters and returns a hash.
getVisibleLayers : function()
Get the list of currently visible layer paths.
getVisibleLayers: function()
Iterates through the mapSources and returns a list of the visible paths.
gotMapbook: function(response)
Called immediate after the mapbook is loaded from the server.
id: function()
Generates an unique ID
inScale: function(minscale,
Check whether a given min/maxscale is within the current scale.
isDefined: function(v)
Check for the null condition in a variable.
isEditable: function(source)
Checks to see if a MapSource is editable.
isPrintable: function()
Check whether the .printable flag is set.
isVisible: function()
By default the isVisible checks to see if any layers are “on”.
mapbookType: null
The matching “type” attribute from the mapbook XML
metadata: {}
A hash of the metadata URLs keyed on layer path.
moveLayerDown: function(path)
Move’s a layer down on the visibility stack.
moveLayerUp: function(path)
Move’s a layer up on the visibility stack.
onActivateMapSource: function(path)
Triggered when a layer is “activated.”
onGotMapbook: function(response)
Called when the mapbook is loaded and ready for parsing.
onLayersChange: function(path,
onLayersChange: function (path,
Called every time a change is made to the visible layers list.
onLayersChange: function(path,
When the Layers List changes, update the params, and refresh the layer.
onLayersChange: function(path,
When the Layers List changes, update the params, and refresh the layer.
onLayersChange: function(path,
When the Layers List changes, update the params, and refresh the layer.
onMapbookLoadError: function(response)
Called when the Mapbook fails to load.