Basemaps Toggle Plugin

Provides a basemap layers toggle as seen on many popular web-mapping sites.

Example in the application


Showing the toggle closed

Showing the toggle closed


Showing the toggle open

Showing the toggle open


  1. Copy basemap-toggle.js from examples/plugin/src to the same directory as app.js.

  2. Before <script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script> add the line:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="basemap-toggle.js"></script>
  3. Add a target div for the plugin:


    <div id="map-container">
        <div id="map"></div>


    <div id="map-container">
        <div id="map"></div>
        <div id="layer-toggle"></div>
  4. The following can be added to the Demo’s app.js to demonstrate how the basemap toggle is configured. An actual application will have different layer names, paths, and preview images.

    Add the following before tracker.startTracking();:

    app.experimental.addConnectedPlugin(BasemapToggle, 'layer-toggle', {
        layers: [
                label: 'None',
                src: '',
                path: 'none/none',
                label: 'Aerials',
                src: '',
                path: 'lmic/mncomp'
                label: 'Streets',
                src: '',
                path: 'openstreetmap/osm_mapnik'