How-to add a Plugin

Plugins allow adding code into your GeoMoose application at a deeper level. They require familiarity with React and Redux but expose many of GeoMoose’s inner-workings.

1. Write the plug-in

Plugins are given the React, ReactDOM, and redux store. They are expected to return a component. The following example uses a functional component:


// If using the default settings for @babel/react-preset then
//  keeping the names React and ReactDOM are important.
const HelloWorldComponent = ({React, ReactDOM, store}) => (
        This application has { Object.keys(store.getState().mapSources).length } map sources.

This example is written using ES6. It features the JSX syntax. It is not the scope of this How-to describe those concepts, however, the GeoMoose repository contains all the things we need to convert this to browser-friendly ES6.

cd examples/plugin
npm install
npm run build

This will create examples/plugin/hello.js.

2. Adding it to the application

hello.js is a little informative panel to tell the user how many map sources have been configured. The following changes will add a tab to the application then add the plug-in to that tab.

Adding a tab

  1. Edit the index.html file of your application and find the Super Tab.

  2. The following will add a new tab to the list of tabs:

<span id="hello-tab-tab" class="tab" onclick="showTab('hello-tab', event)">Hello Tab</span>

  1. And add the new tab content:

    <div class="tab-content" id="hello-tab"></div>

Adding the plug-in

  1. The plug-in will need copied from where it was just built to your application’s directory. In the demo this is examples/desktop but your apps directory may be different:

    cp examples/plugin/hello.js examples/desktop/
  2. Include the plug-in in index.html before app.js is included. It is very important to include the <script> tag for the plug-in BEFORE the one for app.js.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="hello.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
  3. Now in app.js the plug-in is configured. Before:

    app.add(gm3.components.Version, 'version');


    app.add(gm3.components.Version, 'version');
    app.addPlugin(HelloWorldComponent, 'hello-tab');